Dominion Electric Lighting Blog

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bella Luce lighted art sculptures

We just brought in a new line of lighted art sculptures from a company called Bella Luce. We have 7 different glass designs on display in Chantilly. You truly *have* to come see them!

Here's our main grouping with 5 of them. They include a dimmable fluorescent lamp, with a dimmer on the cord. So not only are they beautiful, but they're energy efficient, too!

This one is my favorite ~ it's a bit amethyst ~ so of course I had to put it in my office!

And while I was out there taking pictures, I wanted to show you my new favorite chandelier, from Corbett (known as @LargerThanLight on Twitter) #107-77. It is *stunning* in person!

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