We had a wonderful visit with Denis Caldora this morning. Most people in the lighting industry know who Denis is, but for those of you outside our world, let me tell you a bit about him. He helps lighting showrooms and manufacturers' showrooms with merchandising and design. He also consults with our vendors and assists with sales trainings, designer nights, and various other things. Today he was re-introducing us to Hanover Lanterns. They are a factory in Pennsylvania that actually still makes products right there, in the USA! I'm wondering, does "made in the USA" affect your buying decisions? There are very few lighting companies that ARE still made here, and although they cost more, I'd love to know if our customers still consider that important? Send me some feedback (you can post comments on our Facebook page or on the blog, or send me an email at cschla@dominionelectric.com)!

I can't see the photos! :( Anyone else having that problem?