Dominion Electric Lighting Blog

Monday, February 23, 2009

Award from Tech Lighting

Last week we were visited by a pair of VIP's from Tech Lighting: Steve Harriott, the President, and Paul Halsch, the Vice President of Sales. They are traveling the country, presenting Strategic Partner awards to 25 key accounts ~ I am very proud to say we were one of only two distributors in our territory who received one. Here is a picture of it:

The funny thing is, not only is my staff very proud to have received the award, but my designers are going gaga over the light bulb used in the award! They call it an Early Edison bulb, so it looks like one of the old original incandescent bulbs. This seems to be another trend for 2009 ~ not only is Tech using this bulb, but so are Hudson Valley, Robert Abbey, Visual Comfort, and Arteriors. Here are some examples from Tech Lighting (see how they flipped their flush mount over & turned it into our award?) and Robert Abbey:

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